Monday, 15 December 2008



I got a life ban from Betfair for trying to expose a racing tipster (Derek Thompson) who specialises in producing scam adverts that trick, seduce and entice people to telephone his scam premium rate 090 tipping service. As it happens Betfair did me a great favour. They rekindled my driving passion to get the regulator to tell me that what Thompson is doing meets their code of practice. Also as a result of my ban, I started up my own blog thus enabling the flame not to be lost in the smoke as was happening on Betfair. And how could I possibly have got this lot in the BF forum!!!!!!!

Below you will see a wonderful list of most impressive results that Thompson has produced since I started my blog on the 19th November together with his oily and seductive comment as used by him on the day.

Unfortunately I do not have his scam-ads between the 1st of November and the 18th, but if you look at his boast of the 20th Nov, he tells us that his winners up to the 20th.were (8-1, 4-1, 11-4, 9-4, 2-1, and 2, odds on shots). Had he had more, one could not be blamed for thinking it would have been flagged up!. But there are none. So based on an average of 5 selections a day (as Birkdale proved) one can assume that he had about 83 losers.

So make out you are a Newby to racing and you have just seen these most impressive tipping adverts for the very first time. You cannot fail to be impressed with the ability of the tipster who can “GIVE” so many “WINNERS” and no losers. So you phone because you have been seduced by the following!!!

19 Nov W…..13-8, 2-1, 9-4.
19 Nov W…”3 winners Monday

20 Nov T….. 8-1, 4-1, 11-4, 9-4, 2-1,.... "etc etc"
20 Nov T..... “winners so far this month include”

21 Nov F….. 8-1, 4-1, 11-4, 9-4, 2-1,.... "etc etc"
21 Nov F..... “winners so far this month include”

22 Nov S….. 8-1, 4-1, 11-4, 9-4, 2-1,.... "etc etc"
22 Nov.S....“winners so far this month include”

23 Nov S... 8-1, 4-1, 11-4, 9-4, 2-1,.... "etc etc"
23 Nov S..... “winners so far this month include”

24 Nov M….. 8-1, 4-1, 11-4, 9-4, 2-1, ...."etc etc"
24 Nov M ..... “winners so far this month include”

25 Nov T…..15-2
25 Nov T .....”Don’t miss out on today’s info”

26 Nov W…..(No gloating winners but he still entices with
26 Nov W.....”Don’t miss Tommo’s good thing today”

27 Nov T…..No gloating winners but he still entices with
27 Nov T....”Don’t miss Tommo’s good thing today”

28 Nov F…..7-2, 5-2, 1-1
28 Nov F.....”3 winners for Tommo callers on Wed”

29 Nov S.... No gloating winners but he still entices with
29 Nov.S....”Phone me now for the best advice on the Hennesey

30 Nov S.... No gloating winners but he still entices with.
30 Nov.S....”Don’t miss Thommo’s good thing”

1 Dec. M..… No gloating winners but he still entices with
1 Dec M..... “Don’t miss Tommo’s good thing today!”

2 Dec .T…...5-1, 9-2,
2 Dec..T......”winners over the weekend, Phone or text now”

3 Dec W…. 4-1, 4-1, 10-11
3 Dec.W..... “3 great winners for Tommo on Monday”

4 Dec T…...12-1, 4-1, 4-1, 10-11, 8-13.
4 Dec T......”5 winners already in December”

5 Dec F......12-1, 4-1, 4-1
5 Dec F......”and I’m giving out winners”

6 Dec S….12-1, 4-1, 4-1
6 Dec S....”winners in Dec include ...don’t miss out on today’s bets””

7 Dec S….12-1, 4-1, 4-1
7 Dec S...”winners in Dec include ... don’t miss out on today’s bets””

8 Dec M….12-1, 4-1, 4-1
8 Dec M...”winners in Dec include ... don’t miss out on today’s bets””

9 Dec T….12-1.
9 Dec T...”winners in Dec include ... don’t miss out on today’s bets””

10 Dec W...12-1, 4-1, 4-1, 5-1, 3-1, 5-4, 10-11, 10-11,……. “etc etc”
10 Dec W.. “and I’m giving out winners already in December”

11 Dec T....12-1, 4-1, 4-1, 5-1, 3-1, 5-2, 15-8, ..................... "etc etc"
11 Dec T....”and I’m giving out winners”

12 Dec F....12-1, 4-1, 4-1, 5-1, 3-1, 5-2, ..5-4, ..15-8……… “etc etc"
12 Dec F...”and Im giving out winners, many great winners in Dec”

13 Dec S....12-1, 4-1, 4-1, 5-1, 3-1, 5-2, ..5-4, ..15-8… …..….“etc etc”
13 Dec S.. and I’m giving out winners, many great winners in Dec

14 Dec S…12-1, 4-1, 4-1, 5-1, 5-1, 5-1,.. 3-1, ...5-2,.. 5-4,”
14 Dec S...”a great start to December, winners already this month ..”

And then Newby says

. “Corr Gerry!!! All them winners and Tommo never tipped a loser! How much has he won since the 1st of November Gerry?”

Well actually Newby he ‘aint won nout!!! He has made a loss! In fact it’s a very big loss..To put it bluntly Newby, It’s a frigging big loss!!!!

“LOSS!” But how can he make a loss with all them winners and him telling me how good he is and suggesting I phone his 090 number to get in on the act! Come on Gerry, I’ve already got me phone in me hand!!! You must be having me on!

Now listen to me you vulnerable, innocent and gullible stupid boy!! SHURRUP!!!! and listen!!!
Wot Tommo does is to stick eye catching, winner only, adverts in The Racing Post, I call them scam ads. He sticks ‘em in there to seduce and lure nice people like you to give him your money. But! If he showed you that he has losers, a lot of losers, an awful lot of losers, would you still want to give him your money? Well would you?

“Well Gerry, I think I might not! If what you say is true, then why don’t he show losers in his adverts?”

You are so stupid Newby!!! Think about it! If Tommo showed his losses in his scam-ads, nobody would ever give him their money, would they? And then what would happen to Tommo? He would have to sell his car and catch the bus to the Newmarket Gallops and his HQ. Wouldn’t he!!!!

(Aaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!.......I love it!!!)

“Yeah!!! I’m beginning to see yer point now Gerry. I don’t think I’ll waste me money. I ‘aint responding to his 090 advert now”

SCAM-AD!!.... Don’t ever let me hear you give that garbage advert respectability!!! It’s a scam-ad!!! Gorrit!!!

“OK Gerry! Sorry. Does the Racing Post know about it?”

I doubt it. They’ve only been running his scam-ad for the past 10 years or so!

“Oy Gerry?”


“A geezer mate of mine said yooz doin’ a lot of bog writing and stuff! Do you still script on bog walls Gerry?”

You stupid boy!!! BLOG not BOG!!!! Stupid kid!!!

“Oh! Sorry Gerry. What’s the difference?”

Well in a bog I ‘ave a cr-p and in a blog I write cr-p!!!!

(Aaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha ha Haaaaaaaaaaa!........ I love it!!!)

“Oh well Gerry, After wot you just said I don’t think I’ll bother wasting me money!”

Now yooz being a sensible boy Newby.

"What happened to that nice house and smart car you had Gerry??"

Flogged ‘em!

“Why’s that?”

Got sucked in by Thompson’s scam-ad and started following his tips!!!!

“You didn’t? Not you Gerry!”

Yep! I did!

“Gerry!!!! You stupid man you! How could you?”

Well son. After reading Thompson’s scam add for over 15 years, you start believing it.. It’s called brainwashing!!

“Wanna lift Gerry?”

No thanks me bus is here!

“Oy Gerry quickly, before you go. How much is Thompson losing since the 1st November?”

Approximately £514 Newby and to buy that £514 LOSS he charges approximately £220


Nope!! ‘fraid not Newby that’s not far from being ..............NEWBY NEWBY.NEWBY are you OK? Excuse me mate, could you gim’me ‘an ‘and? Me mates passed out!,

(Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


The highlights in the above scam-ad extracts are mine not Thompsons.
The Loss figure is calculated on information taken from Thompsons scam-ad and may be slightly out, but there is a possability that I may give accurate figures in the near future. Heres hoping! Appolgies for the c--p word but it did fit the story rather well I thought!

I’m gone!

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