Tuesday, 3 February 2009



"Oy Gerry"


"Theres a new 090 scam-ad geezer called Nevison. He must be good Gerry cos he sticks a full page list of winners in the Racing Post. It looks most impressive. Is he any good?"

He's BLOODY cr@p Newby! BLOODY cr@p!

"Why do you swear Gerry?"

Cos Nevison duz

"But Gerry! Is not swearing the lowest form of expression!"

Say no more Newby! But for the purpose of this excercise I shall reciprocate.

"What does 'reciprocate mean Gerry?"

Forget it!......It is written that when Nevison wins £10,000 he celebrates, and he don't gloat about it neever.

"Strooth Gerry, Wots that BLOODY full page scam ad then if it 'aint a BLOODY GLOAT!!!!

Good spotting Newby. Good spotting. It is also written that he is not a bad loser and that he is a BLOODY good winner....... And it is also written that he loves telling geezers about his big ship coming in.

"How many tips does he give in a day Gerry?"

On average, about 7 scam-tips a day Newby"

"But hey Gerry! Nevison's advert ....."

SCAM-AD!!! SCAM-AD!!! How many times do I have to tell you to call it by it's proper name. SCAM-AD!!

"Sorry Gerry. Why do you always get so angry when you talk about scam-ad tipsters?"

Cos they remind me of them nasty slimy things that quack doctors stick on sick geezers to suck blood.

"You mean Leeches Gerry"

Yes! That's them! Blood sucking leeches. They latch onto geezers with their scam-ad and then suck blood via their sick scam updates.

"But Gerry. Nevison's full page scam-ad is loaded with winners!"

You are so stupid Newby. IT IS A CON!!!!! It is a BLOODY BIG CON!!!

"How come Gerry. To be honest It looks so impressive I was thinking of phoning up meself"

Newby! Will you never learn? Let me tell you what has happened. You remember I told you about KING CON....'Channel 4 racings Tommo?' Well Thompson 'aint king con no more Newby. He is wot they call a 'zapped king con'. He was once the King Con of £1.50 090 racing tipsters. But about a week ago, all his £1.50 per minute 090 phones got zapped proper.

"Strooth Gerry. What does he do now?

Dunno. But I think he is trying to make a come back.

"How do you know that"

I seen a yellow strip on his website saying he's spoutin' his tips for 4p!


Yep! That's right Newby. 4p!...Even Thompson's 090 £1.50 website rip off phones have gone! Dave Nevison is now truly king con Newby. BIG TIME.

Me and me pals say about Thompson .."From 1.50 shark tipster to a 4 p spratt in 7 days!!"

"Wow Gerry! Who ever would have thought that Channel 4 Racing's Tommo would have become just a tipping sprat

I did!

"Oy Gerry!"


"Explain to me where the con is in THE NEW KING CON'S scam ad!"

But no vomit bucket stuff this time Newby! OK?"

"OK Gerry. No probs"

Right! Here we go!

Take a look at King Con's scam-ad CAREFULLY

"it looks TERRIFIC to me Gerry. Most impressive!!"

Newby!! You are one thick dumb ass geezer!!!

"Take a look at each day and work out how much you would have won to a £5 stake with an average 090 scam-call cost of £9 including the leech updates, with an average of 7scam-tips per day. Gorrit?

"Ok Gerry. I'll do that. Can I make the list out on your Blog please?

On one condition.

"Wots that Gerry?"

If yooz start feelin' sick, please remember this is my blog!!!...Not my bog!!

"I'll do me best Gerry. OK! Here we go!"

Date 2nd Feb 2009
Location. Page 8 Racing Post. Size:- Full Page
Headline size:- 0ne Thid Page. 5 words.
"A BLOODY GOOD TIPPING SERVICE. DAVE NEVISON"Content. Tipping coverrage of advert 17th - 29th Jan inc
*Nevison never had a winner on those dates. The list below shows his omission of those dates* Misleading!
17th Jan.. 7 tips...1 wnr .(8-1 ew).........6 Lsrs....Loss -£19
18th Jan.* 7 tips...0 wnr.....................7 Lsrs....Loss -£44
19th Jan.. 7 tips...1 wnr .(17-2)............6 Lsrs....Win. £03
20th Jan.. 7 tips...1 wnr .(5-6).............6 Lsrs....Loss -£34
21st Jan.. 7 tips...1 wnr .(9-2).............6 Lsrs....Loss -£14
22nd Jan.. 7 tips...1 wnr .(2-1).............6 Lsrs....Loss -£29
23rd Jan.. 7 tips...1 wnr .(7-4).............6 Lsrs....Loss -£31
24th Jan.. 7 tips...2 wnr .(3-1).(9-2)......5 Lsrs....Win...£02
25th Jan.. 7 tips...2 wnr .(11-8).(9-4).....5 Lsrs....Loss -£16
26th Jan.. 7 tips...1 wnr .(10-11)...........6 Lsrs....Loss -£34
27th Jan.* 7 tips...0 wnr ......................7. Lsrs....Loss -£44
28th Jan.. 7 tips....1 wnr .(11-8).............6 Lsrs....Loss -£32
29th Jan.. 7 tips....1 wnr .(7-2)...............6 Lsrs....Loss -£22
30th Jan.* 7 tips....0 wnr ......................7 Lsrs....Loss -£44
31st Jan.* 7 tips....0 wnr ......................7 Lsrs....Loss -£44
* Nevison tried to skip these days. Why???
15 days covered Nevisons full page advert
Nevison boasts 5 days that only show 1 winner
And the highest priced of those 5 days was 2-1.
Obviously if he could show better he would have done so.
So what reward did his clients get from the PROFESSIONAL!!?
Assessed on (7 tips a day)(£9 call cost)(£5 stake)

105 selections
13 winners
92 losers
2 winning days of (£3 and (£2)
13 losing days of:(-£19)(-£44)(-£34)(-£14)(-£29)(-£31)(-£16)(-£34)(-£44)(-£32)(-£22)(-£44)
Average price 3- 1

Profit inc 090 plus updates over 15 days ..........£5
Losses inc 090 plus updates over 15 days ...... -£363

TOTAL LOSS TO A £5 STK OVER 15 DAYS.........-£358 LOSS

And NEVISON claims he is a Professional racing tipster!
"A BLOODY GOOD TIPPING SERVICE" he boasts, I think not.

"Strooooooooooooooooth Gerry! Wotta a load of crap! I see what you mean now about King Con!! This geezer knocks spots off Thompson for crap tipping! Why is he allowed to say he has A BLOODY GOOD TIPPING SERVICE when he has proved it is such A BLOODY BAD One....I'm confused Gerry. Hey Gerry wot does 'update mean?

DON'T TOUCH IT NEWBY!!!! That is about the most evil trick that scam 090 tipsters use to con people with!! I'll tell you all about it some other time.

"Thanks Gerry. I just cannot believe how BLOODY BAD that geezers results are?"

"What are you going to do about it Gerry?"

Simple Newby. I'm gonna send your list up to ASA, PPP, and TTS and ask them if they think it proper that dummies like you should be tricked and mislead by Nevison's scam-ad which sez he runs a BLOODY GOOD TIPPING SERVICE and I can prove ITS A BLOODY BAD ONE!! And I'm gonna ask a few questions about that disgusting 'update' that Nevison tricks geezers with.

Hey Gerry.

At the beginning you said something about Nevison blabbin' off about when his boat comes home. Wot does he mean by that Gerry?"

Well It may be to do with big cruise ships where all the passengers are 090 freaks.

WOW! Any idea as to what they might call their ship ahoy racing club Gerry?

Well I have got an idea what they may call it!

Wot's that Gerry?


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

I love it!!

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