Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Betfair must be blind! (ud 29)


BETFAIR SAY:-......."As far as I am aware it is only your opinion (Birkdale) that such guidelines have been breached and as such could be considered disparaging to his business"

Where the hell have you been for the past 5 years ALEX GRAYNOR? The Betfair forums scream out with forumites "OPINIONS" week after week about the continuous code violations of Derek Thompson ..... AND YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!.....Try reading your own threads sometime Betfair. After you remove the blindfold mask of Tommo protection. The same self protective mask as used by the Racing Post, the Trinity Mirror Group, Talk Sport, Channel 4, Elite Racing and ATR. Think about it! ....Stuff the nail - protect the hammer!

DO YOU NEVER READ YOUR FORUM THREADS? Your shredding machine works overtime on protecting Thompson's code violations. AND YOU KNOW IT!!!

You choose to protect Thompson's notorious "disparaging business" rather than let the fact be known. The fact is, all forumites know about it EXCEPT YOU!!!! Thompson's disparaging business" is to mislead and trick people. He peddles scam and fraud. He tricks misleads and deceives people. Check the stuff in your shredder from end to end and tell me I am wrong Alex.

You say..."As far as I am aware it is only your opinion (Birkdale) that such guidelines have been breached and as such could be considered disparaging to his business" (Thompson's)

You must be bloody blind Betfair when you say that it was "Only Birkdales Opinion" Could it be that your own self interests reflect such a naive observation.

It would now appear that Betfair have joined those that wish to protect Thompson's "disparaging business" That of fraud, and trickery. Shame on you Betfair!! Shame on you!

Did you know Betfair that:-

Thompson's adverts mislead by deception? Winners only
His web advert still shows winners from October?
Do you realise that Oct is 3 months past its sell by date?
Did you know that since Oct he has made astronomical losses?

Update 29 jan
By the way, the OCTOBER he mentions in his website is 2005!
His winner Kinnaird in his website boast relates to Oct 2005!
I believe that con has been running for years
His boasts about winners from 3 years ago may not last long!!!
Did you know he no longer shows proofing to the Mirror Group?

Did you know he ALWAYS makes astronomical losses?
Did you know the RP showed he lost over £11,000 (£100 stk)?
Did you know that huge loss was over just a 10 month period?
Did you know that all the 10 months were losing months?
Did you know Cannyman and myself logged his tips for 3 mnths?
Did you know he lost £6000 to a £50 stake in those 3 months?
Did you know that he sells his tips to people that do not know?
Do you think, if clients knew of his huge losses, they'd phone?
Did you not know that Thompson violates code guideline's?
Did you know his huge consistent losses are indeed code violation?
Did you know he charges vulnerable people for his worthless tips?
Denial of consistant tipping failure year after year IS Immoral.
Did you know the code requires the tipster to be a moral person.
Did you know the code of conduct requires decency and honesty
If tips are sold when proof shows they are worthless, that is immoral
Did you know that he's on record as saying "never back odds on"
Did you know that most of his selections are odds on.
Did you know he chooses to call his odds on selections "etc etc"
Did you know that he does so with reason
Did you know the reason is to conceal the fact they are 'odds on'

Try putting it another way....How about:-

And you say, in your opinion it was only Birkdale that knew about it.

And finally, Now that I have enlightened you as to the dubious morals of Derek Thompson, is it now "your opinion that such guidelines have been breached (by Thompson) and as such could be considered disparaging to his"....... (clients)?

Shame on you Betfair. Shame on you!

And in the meantime The Titanic sinks and Thompson continue to row the boat!

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