Sunday, 25 January 2009

Wikipedia wthdraws the truth

Wikipedia lit the flame and now it is no more. It has gone. One up for the scam-ad man

Now what did the withdrawn entry say?

It said ......"He also offers a tipping service which has gained notoriety amongst racing fans for being hopeless"

Is that not the truth? His tipping services are probably the worst on the planet! FACT AND PROVEN! and just about every racing person in the country know they are "hopeless" except the poor 'Newby' individuals that fall for Thompson's scam
It said that :-......"- - both in terms of tipping winners and misleading people by referring to winners tipped up over 3 years ago.Is not a racing tipster who boasts about winners from 3 years ago in his advert not "MISLEADING" the reader of that advert! He most certainly is.

Is that not the truth? Yes it is. FACT AND PROVABLE!
It said that:-----"He was once beaten in a tipping competition by a dog. No surprise there, then" need I say more....but I will!
Now ask yourselves this question.

Why would Wikipedia withdraw an entry which told the truth and the truth can be proven? The entry was truthful to the very last word and could be proven.

Think about it.... If the entry can be 100% proven, why should it be withdrawn. It was not abusive, It was not rude. It just told the truth.

Instead of Wikipedia helping to protect their innocent readers from con-men they withdraw the evidence that could protect the reader. They remove the undercoat and leave the gloss behind that will trick the customer into thinking that Derek Thompson is a moral person. By doing so the reader of Wikipedia will see a nice person not knowing that the nice person who

"offers a tipping service which has gained notoriety amongst racing fans for being hopeless - both in terms of tipping winners and misleading people by referring to winners tipped up over 3 years ago. He was once beaten in a tipping competition by a dog. No surprise there, then" a con-man PROVEN!

Think about it.


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