Friday 6 February 2009

Nevison talks krap!...Con-crap



Racing Post 2nd Feb 2009
Re:- Nevison's full page scam-ad. Page 8
Gloat period:- 15 days (17th - 31st Jan)
Nevisons winners were:-
(8-1 ew) (17-2) (5-6) (9-2) (2-1) (7-4) (3-1) (9-2) (11-8) (9-4) (10-11) (11-8) (7-2)

Loss based on 7 selections per day ....... = - 92 points
Profit....................................................= 52 points
Total loss ............................................= - 40 points

Even if a point (the stake per tip) was just a lowly £5 the loss on that page alone is - 40 points (- £200)

Add to that King Con's £ 1.50 (090) fees (average £7) per day makes a further loss of (£7 x 15 days) = ......................= - £105

Add his tips loss of £200 to his call charges and that page shows a loss of - ..........................................=....£305!!!!!!!!!!!

And then on the 5th Jan 2009 he advertises. ““FOLLOWING A SUCCESSFUL JANUARY”

The full page advert showed 13 winners between 17th – 31st Jan making a loss of............................................. £305

His advert (5th Feb) claims a total of 18 winners in the month

By simple calculations he must have had 5 winners between the 1st – 16th

If that claim is true then between the 1st – 16th Jan he must have had some huge priced “BLOODY GOOD WINNERS”. …….. Given that his average winning price on the full page advert was a piffling 3-1 I believe Dave Nevison tells lies.

And Nevison claims A BLOODY GOOD TIPPING SERVICE! and has been doing so for a long time. Many thousands have fell for this sucker punch scam, but unfortunately many thousands will not admit to it. Or they can't be bothered messing about over a few quid. Or they feel so bloody stupid falling for such an obvious con. And it never gets no more notice. And Channel 4 Racing Derek Thompson and Nevison say.....NEXT PLEASE!!! That is the tipsters strength. Have not people the right of protection against such immoral people as Channel 4 Racing's Derek Thompson and Nevison, and THE RACING POST for allowing it? If they are entitled to it, then they most certainly are not getting it.

There are many people out there reading this junk that know what I am talking about. Why not stand up and be counted and help to rid British horse racing of the scourge of SCAM-AD racing tipsters like Channel 4 Racing's Tommo and the new King Con, Dave Nevison. The vulnerable need to be protected from the unscrupulous.

Don't think about it ...... Do it!

HELP! I need Thompsons and Nevisons results for January. If any reader of this blog can help towards the removal of these tipping parasites that contaminate British Racing. Please oblige if you can...... Better still an anonymous whistle blower.

It is part of code of conduct amongst racing tipsters, never to show losers in their adverts.

If they did,they would all disappear over night. Question. WHY would they disappear overnight???

Think about it

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